Women's ministries

Psalm 46:5: God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved. 
God will help her when morning dawns. 

God is with women always, even in the most difficult of times. He is here to support us and bring strength for the new day. The mission of Calvary Community Church’s Women’s Ministries is to arouse and deepen our love for God and his Holy Word, and to unite through ever-growing fellowship.

Participating in Women’s Ministries allows many opportunities to use our God-given gifts in our church, enjoy fellowship with sisters in Christ, and feel God’s love firsthand as He works here at Calvary Community Church of Fullerton.

Women’s Ministries Director: Sharon Walters | (714) 742-2928 | shlwalters@gmail.com

Wednesday Morning
Bible Study

Wednesday 9:30am (September through May), in the Fellowship House.

Fellowship and Outreach

We have a variety of opportunities throughout the year for women to fellowship with one another such as:  Ladies Night out for dinners, desserts, game nights, Book Club/Movie.